

Anbumani Ramdass, son of veteran politician dr. Ayya ramdass has announced himself as the candidate for the next cm elections to be held on 2016.He has been taking active steps for it and we can see his urge to survive this elections. The main question is whether he would be a real strong candidate to win these elections. Now have a closer look of his horoscope. Let us look into his natal chart and the positioning of the planets. Basically he is kanya lagna with his Saturn positioned in his 7th house with rahu. His sun is positioned in the lagna with ketu. His 10th lord from the karaga lord Saturn is Jupiter which is placed in simha that is the 6th house. Firstly, his Saturn with rahu will affect his success in career. His sun with ketu in the first house, will bring problems for him in his reputations.

Now, let us look into the present planetary combinations, his Saturn as of now is transiting over his 3rd house. And the Jupiter will be transiting over his 12th house and over his 3rd and 8th lord. Thus both Saturn and Jupiter's positions are not very favorable. Thus the present planetary combinations are not very favorable for him to succeed. Looking into the period running, he will be undergoing rahu dasa with sun and moon bhukthi from the period of 2015 to 2017. His moon is placed in the 8th house, which is shown afflicted. And his sun is in the lagna with ketu shows karaga bhava nasthi. Thus the period he is running is also not very favorable for him to win against in the cm elections.

This clearly interprets that he has less chances of winning the coming elections. He will do well and good if he is in power in central government. Luck will favor him in the central government elections. He will be successful as a minister rather than a chief minister